FADRS® Near Net Zero

For Even Greater Energy Savings, Carbon Emission Reduction, and 100% Business Continuity

FADRS® Near Net Zero builds on Essential FADRS® by adding a Solar PV canopy with EV charges underneath, a Distributed Generator, and an Advanced Battery Storage solution. With this system the landlord can:

  1. Fully participate in DR by dropping 100% of their peak demand when required by the grid.
  2. Participate in Frequency Regulation, thereby increasing their revenue and further reducing their overall energy costs.
  3. With the addition of the Distributed Generator, the building/facility achieves 100% Business Continuity and can peak shave as well.
  4. The Advanced Battery Storage allows the landlord to store electricity from the Solar PV during the day or purchase low-cost power from the grid during off-hours and charge the building during peak periods at significant savings.

Typical savings with our FADRS® Near Net Zero solution average between 40% – 50%. Benefits include:

  • Higher Greenhouse Gas Emission Reductions
  • Greater Energy Reduction
  • Fully Automated Painless Demand Response for additional payments from the Power Grid
  • Fully Automated Frequency Regulation for additional payments from the Power Grid
  • Tenant Empowerment
  • Flex Space
  • 100% Business Continuity
  • EV Charging Stations under Solar PV Canopies

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